Playing Psychic by Matt Mello
This book will be dedicated to some of my effects approaching the psychic/spiritualism theme of mentalism, most pushing their plots into new territories. If you already perform psychic or spiritual work, then I’m positive that this book will have a few unique gems that you’ll wish to add to your collection!
Crystal Cleansing – Among six crystals, a performer is able to sense which one a sitter has channeled their energy into. This is a perfect opener to any psychic set.
Brainwaving – The psychic sends energy into a blindfolded sitter’s left brain or right brain, and they’re able to accurately feel the energy on either side. The process also works as a perfect induction, ready to guide them into deeper states of consciousness.
Palm – Duplicate a person’s palm lines as they hold their hand in a tight fist! There is even a version provided that allows you to walk up to a complete stranger, divine their palm print, and then cause the lines to change, positively altering their life path!
Psychic Vibes – A diabolical method of forcing. If you need to force a number, a letter, a card, a shape or drawing, or ANYTHING, this is a very useful tool. There are no decks of cards used or papers to draw on, only yourself and the spectator. The entire process is over in seconds.
Celestial – The psychic is able to divine which planet a sitter is drawn to, giving them a detailed reading in the process.
Animal Sense – A dog’s sixth sense is challenged in a classic living and dead test. This effect will require a dog!
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