Ken Dyne – Drawing in the Dark By Ken Dyne Kennedy
To PROTECT your investment, each copy is subtly marked – anyone shares this we’ll be able to trace it and take action against themThe audience sits in shock after you pluck the thoughts from a stranger’s mind. In this manuscript one of the UK’s few working mentalists details TWO incredible approaches to the drawing duplication that he is still using to open his corporate act.
What’s So Special?
The conditions under which these two totally unique miracles take place are what make these so earth shattering, imagine:
1. You have never met the volunteer before.
2. There is no pre-show, completely real-time.
3. You never peek at what they write or draw.
4. You don’t use an impression device.
5. No reflective or refractive surfaces.
6. Nothing is written down and no questions are asked.
7. There are no electronics used.
8. You perform solo without any kind of assistance.
YET you are still able to accurately draw whatever it is they imagine.
In this manuscript you will learn two completely different and unrelated methods for achieving this amazing effect under these conditions. What’s more you don’t have to wait, can have it in the next few minutes as it will be automatically delivered to you by email!
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